Friday, October 16, 2009

What you can expect from this blog

My intent is to provide exercise, workout and fitness suggestions based on my experiences with the Soloflex Muscle Machine. I will sometimes offer limited advice on diet and weight control. The advice will be limited because I am no expert. I have no professional or formal fitness training. I am not a personal trainer and have never aspired to be one. Any advise I offer will be based on the trials, errors and successes encounted in the course of achieving my idea of physical fitness. Not much else.

As I create posts I will insert them across all of my internet blog sites. The topics featured on this blog site will be the same topics featured on my other blog sites. There will be differences with regard to which Soloflex Hybrid attachment is being discussed on the site, but not much differnce in overall blog content.

The execption will be my Stock Charting Blogs. Their content will be completely different from the Solofllex Hybrid blogs.